- A facilitated school programme/module where students learn to understand and act on social justice issues
- A free and flexible programme facilitated by a team of highly skilled Youth Development Officers
- A youth led programme that promotes personal development
- The opportunity to set up a Young SVP group in your school with continued support from your Youth Development Officer
- A programme with several curriculum links in both ROI and Northern Ireland including Religious Education, Citizenship, CSPE, Development Education and Transition Year
- A programme that compliments extra-curricular activities e.g., Gaisce, Pope John Paul II awards, Enrichment programmes
- The opportunity to take students to a Young SVP event where they mix and share experiences with other Young SVP students
- A certificate of participation for all Young SVP students
- Feel free to contact us with any queries you might have
Contact your Regional Youth Development Officer (YDO) for more information.
Youth Development team near you
Please remember to contact a member of the team to ensure your chosen activity is appropriate and registered – additional guidelines may apply in relation the protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults policy.