Our Mission

Guided by the ethos of the Society of St Vincent de Paul and within the volunteer led structure to ensure effective housing operations through good governance, high standards of performance and financial sustainability.

Our Vision

Providing Homes for people most in need in our communities.

About the Society of St Vincent De Paul Housing

The Society of St Vincent De Paul (SVP) provides housing for older people. The Society considers the provision of social housing as one of the key pillars of the work of the overall organisation.

The Society of St Vincent De Paul is classified as a Tier 3 Approved Housing Body. The Society has 861 units of social housing delivered and managed by 63 individual volunteer led local housing Conferences across the country.

The Society is working nationally to strengthen its housing provision with additional delivery through construction and acquisition. SVP strongly believe in the importance and value of working in partnership with our many stakeholders to deliver and manage our homes creating communities across the country.

At the heart of the work of St Vincent De Paul housing is our tenants and the Society prides itself in the added value that is brought through our volunteers in the support of our tenants.

Our Housing - Delivery through our Volunteer Structure

The development of social housing by the Society was initiated in the early 1980’s by local individual Conference volunteer members identifying an unfulfilled local community housing need who worked with the support of local authorities in the acquisition and development of new build social housing units. The commitment and dedication of the Society’s volunteers on the ground locally over the past 40 years has translated into the Society providing homes to approximately 918 tenants nationally in 2022.

How to get a St Vincent De Paul Home

SVP take nominations from the Local Authority in which our properties are located. Please register to be on the Housing List with the housing department at your Local Authority. When applying for housing outline to them that you would be interested in a St Vincent De Paul Property. If the Local Authority nominate you to a St Vincent De Paul Property, these are the next steps:

  • We will send you an SVP Application Form
  • We will invite you for an interview
  • We will decide which applicants will receive an offer of housing and agree this with the Local Authority
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