Donnybrook Youth Club was established over 30 years ago in Donnybrook, Dublin 4. The Youth Club is an amazing facility where young people can experience learning and fun in a safe and creative environment. We offer the children an opportunity to find their hidden talents and a chance to develop the habit of engagement. We encourage them to develop their own sense of worth and wellbeing, self-respect and respect for other people and other things.
The club is open every Wednesday for 6-10 year olds, and Friday for 11-16 year olds.
Children and young people can engage in a range of activities. These include arts and crafts, football, uni-hoc, pool, air hockey and table tennis tables as well as football, volleyball, singing and dancing and much more.
The club gives valuable life experience to all volunteers. It's a great feeling giving your time to children that really appreciate it. Please get in touch if you'd like to join us.
We are looking for volunteer leaders for Wednesday and Friday evenings to work with children attending our clubs.
Our volunteers support and deliver a quality programme to children and young people ensuring a standard level of safety and a fun environment. Our volunteers support the provision of services to children in local communities that aid and enhance the personal and social development of children and young people.
Wednesday night caters for our younger energetic kids. We enjoy running up and down stairs, in and out from the hall to the kitchen, chatting and laughing. Our resident artist John holds art classes in our back hall. The kids laugh, have fun and usually cover every surface in paint. Our junior leaders run group games in the main hall and baking in the kitchen. When the weather is nice all the volunteers and children play outside with skipping ropes and outdoor games.
Friday is more relaxed, as from 7pm to 9pm the club caters for the older youth group who like to play football, pool and table tennis. This night is a good chance to hang out and have a chat with the teenagers. The young people on this night like to decorate the walls in the youth club by spray painting they favourite pieces of work on them.
The Designated Liaison Person (DLP) is specially trained to respond to any queries in relation to child and vulnerable adult safeguarding. If you have any concerns you wish to discuss, please get in touch with the local DLP.
The youth club DLP is regional Coordinator - Maria Peate Sorensen - Tel: 01 - 819 8406 Mob: 085 - 091 9943
To read our Child Safeguarding Statement please click here
You can read more about Safeguarding at SVP here
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