Allenwood Daycare Centre opens five days a week (Monday to Friday) and aims to support people in later life to remain Physically Active, Socially Connected and Cognitively Stimulated. We can collect and drop clients from and to their own doorstep and serve a catchment area from Allen Cross to Derrinturn and Robertstown to Timahoe.
We provide a weekly structured programme of client centred activities including chair-aerobics, gentle exercises, Arts & Crafts, knitting, card-games and hoops. Our local public Health Nurse attends the service weekly and an in-house Chiropody service is available once a month.
Tea/Coffee and scones are provided to clients on arrival followed by an opportunity for clients to catch up socially on the news of the parish and the week. A range of gentle physical exercises and games are enjoyed before a three course meal is served at 1pm. Special dietary requirement are facilitated.
In the afternoon clients enjoy a variety of activities such as Bingo, Table Quizzes, reminiscence activities, special celebrations, music and singing. Our local parish priest visits the centre monthly to administer the Eucharist to those who would like to avail, and for those no longer able to attend Mass.
Allenwood Daycare Centre provide a Meals-on-Wheels service to Allen, Allenwood, Ballyteague, Cooleragh, Coill Dubh, Derrymullen, Littletown, Lowtown, Robertstown, Timahoe, Killina and Kilmeague. We prepare and deliver almost 5,000 meals a year.
During the summer months our clients enjoy occasional day-trips and outings to local places of interest, i.e, Kildare Town, Barge Trips and local events and heritage sites.
The Designated Liaison Person (DLP) is specially trained to respond to any queries in relation to child and vulnerable adult safeguarding. If you have any concerns you wish to discuss, please get in touch with the local DLP.
Centre Manager - Albert Perris – Tel: 083 - 124 9673
You can read more about Safeguarding at SVP here
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