The East Region (Dublin, Kildare,and Wicklow) is twinned with ZAMBIA and together they have formed a close spiritual connection offering friendship and support to one another.

The projects operated by the SVP in Zambia and supported by the East Region have the primary goal of alleviating poverty and aiding people to become self-sufficient.



Conference Support

The East Region finances the Zambian National Council to enable them to distribute funds to each Central Council and Conferences to assist with family visitation.

Malaria prevention which involves the provision of mosquito nets and anti-malarial tablets is supported by donations from the Vincent’s Shops in the East Region.

A small number of Conferences in Zambia have established direct communication links with Conferences in the East Region for the purpose of mutual support and solidarity.

We hope to expand these direct links, highlighting a key objective of Twinning.

Educational Support

With the support of the Twinning Programme each year in Zambia, in excess of 200 students, from primary, secondary and third level are given the financial assistance to allow them to complete their education.

This includes help with school fees, books and uniforms.

In addition to this since 2015 a number of community schools are being supported with their running costs, this includes help with funding for teachers’ salaries and building maintenance. In all cases this support will enable the


In 2010 a group of transition year students in a Dublin School with the support of the Regional Twinning Committee purchased a boat for the Chilubi Island Conference.

This boat makes access to the mainland for this community more available, particularly in emergency situations.

It also helps the local SVP Conference generate funds which supports them with their home visitation.

Download our Brochure

For further information:
Twinning Officer
East Region
Society of St Vincent de Paul
SVP House,91–92 SeanMacDermott Street, Dublin 1
Tel:01 855 0022 Fax:01 855 9168


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