The struggle to make ends meet on an inadequate income is one of the main reasons people request help from SVP. Over-indebtedness and financial exclusion are also issues for people on low income that we are highlighting.
Our policy and advocacy work draws on the detailed analysis of the Vincentian MESL Research Centre. This research details the amount of income needed for different household types to enable them to afford their minimum essential needs. For further information see .
SVP also works with partner organisations such as the Money Advice and Budgeting Service, or MABS.
Everyone should have sufficient income to live with dignity. SVP have campaigned for the introduction of a Living Wage and a strong social protection system. This will help to prevent poverty and deprivation from happening in the first place.
It is also our goal to ensure people on low incomes have access to affordable credit and inclusive financial services.
Read more about the work SVP does, and the causes we support on our 'Resource' page.