We offer a variety of opportunities for those who would like to get part-time, temporary work experience and satisfy the criteria for TUS or CE schemes.   

Anyone interested in joining one of these schemes should contact their local INTREO or Social Welfare Branch Office. Potential participants will be selected and contacted by their Intreo Centre or local Social Welfare Branch Office. 
Self-referrals should be made to your Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office (NOT through SVP) 

You can find more detailed information about Tús in the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection’s Operational Guidelines and in this list of frequently asked questions. 


Contact Us? 

For more information on working with us you can contact our HR team on the below. 

Email: humanresources.recruitment@svp.matrix-test.com

Tel: +353 1 8848200

Post:   SVP HR Department:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
National Office
SVP House
91-92 Sean MacDermott Street
Dublin 1


Community Employment and TUS Scheme Placements Opportunities 
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